The demo CD consists of five tracks :                                          1. Profile

                                                                               2. Total Disaster

                                                                               3. Noname (live)

                                                                               4. Pessimistic Secret

                                                                               5. Twisted Love 

Click on any one song from above to download it. There are in compressed mp3 format. The CD itself is also available for £1 + p&p. Click here to send an order e-mail.


Tracks 1 & 2 recorded during September 2000.

Track 3 recorded live at Hippokrateia 2000, Kos.

Tracks 4 & 5 recorded during April '99, at Vouliakis Music School.

Music & lyrics written by Lefteris Paschalis.

Tracks 1, 2 & 3 mixed by Mike Chrisidis. Tracks 4 & 5 mixed by Vouliakis.


Keep checking out this place. Soon we will be adding all mp3's from a gig.


For more info e-mail